Holy Martyrs Children
Sacramental Preparation Classes
For children ages seven years and to age 13, who have not received First Communion and Confirmation, this class is open to registered members of the Ordinariate.
Younger Class Ages 7-13
To prepare for or to review the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, we will be using the Sophia Institute’s Spirit of Truth Curriculum. To prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, we will be using the Sophia Institute’s Sealed in Fire curriculum. The class will focus on formation in the basics of the Catholic Faith, will aid the students to encounter Christ in the sacraments, will help students to discern the Real Presence in the Eucharist and to receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Sacred Art, interactive activities and readings will be included in a fun atmosphere!
Older Class Ages 14+
Teens over 14 (9th grade), attend the adult Evangelium Course instead, for their Confirmation class.
We encourage the use of the Baltimore Catechism, and supplemental activities in the classes as well as in the home.
Ongoing Faith Formation Classes
After the Sacramental Prep class and receiving the Sacraments on Pentecost, we offer ongoing faith formation for the subsequent years for each grade.
Grades 3-8
Classes for grades 3-8 are offered both for the Home Schoolers on Fridays and for all others during the week. The Spirit of Truth curriculum provides interactive, catechist-led sessions including sacred art reflections, stories of the saints, games, role-plays, and critical thinking questions.
The curriculum covers the breadth of the Catechism in a rich and age-appropriate way to help the students understand the Faith, internalize the Faith, and apply it to their own lives.
High School
For High School (grades 9-12), we are preparing to start Ongoing Faith Formation for the 2022-23 school year. This will be supplemented by (and in the meantime solely by) the Youth Group on Wednesdays.
Vacation Bible School
S.E.A.S. (Scripture, Ethics, Apologetics & Saints)
Every year during the mornings of the last week of July, Holy Martyrs has Vacation Bible School for children Kindergarten through 12th grades. It is free of charge! To register your children, please click below.
Children who are the ages given above or older, who desire to receive these Sacraments, and are canonical members of the Ordinariate, may do so. Classes are on Wednesdays at 4pm to 5pm and run from the week after Labor Day until the week before Memorial Day each year. The Sacraments are administered on Pentecost Sunday.
There is no cost involved.
1) To enroll your children in this class, please first register in Holy Martyrs if you/your family have not.
2) Then, please register yourself and each individual member of your family in the Ordinariate if you have not.
[Note: Unlike the parish registration form which is a family form,
the Ordinariate requires individual forms that are signed by each individual
(or parent for those under 14 years old.)]
3) Finally, register your child in the class:
Ongoing Faith Formation Classes
These classes are on Wednesdays at 4pm to 5pm and run from the week after Labor Day until the week before Memorial Day and are open to students who have already received their Sacraments of Initiation, and may be members of the Diocese of San Bernardino or the Ordinariate.
There is no cost involved.
Note: For parents who are unable to make it on Wednesdays at 4pm for the classes, families will have the option of participating in classes on Fridays at Co-op OR at home with certain assignments turned in to the Parish for verification.