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39022 Sky Canyon Dr
Murrieta, CA, 92563
United States


Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School
at Holy Martyrs

Summer S.E.A.S.

Scripture, Ethics, Apologetics & Saints

Every year during the mornings of the last full week of July, Holy Martyrs has Vacation Bible School for children Kindergarten through 12th grades. It is free of charge! Donations are always welcomed.

For 2024, during the mornings of June 24-28, Holy Martyrs' Vacation Bible School for children Kindergarten through 12th grades will be taking place.

Applications for the program will be accepted June 1-10. Space is limited. Children of volunteers will receive first priority. To learn more about this year's program, please see below for further information. To submit an application for your children, please go to the SIGNUP link.

THEME: The Lord's Army


SummerSEAS Destinations K-5th Grade

Prayer, story time, craft, activities/games, apologetics, adoration, and snacks/music Monday to Thursday. Mass and SummerSEAS Productions show on Friday.

SummerSEAS Productions 6th-12th Grade

Working with a team of peers to produce and perform a theme based play that will be given on Friday.

LOCATION: Holy Martyrs Catholic Church, Murrieta, CA

DATE: June 24-28, 2024

TIME: 9-12pm

Friday may end earlier depending upon length of performances.

COST: NO CHARGE - Donations Always Welcome


Designated adults must be present at all times. This is not a drop-off program.

Space is limited. Children of volunteers will receive first priority. The application process is not finalized until an email confirming placement in the program or on a waitlist is received. Confirmation will be sent by June 15th.



SummerSEAS applications will be available starting June 1st through June 10th.